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| Understanding the Process| 

Like a medication that is prescribed every day, to make lasting neurological changes you need to intentionally focus on your mental health daily. Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to change. By changing your deeper thoughts in your subconscious mind, also known as your wise mind, you can control changing the structure of your brain. This in turn changes how you function and perceive the world. This is accomplished with various mind management strategies. 


Regardless if you are 90 years old or 18 years old, it has been proven that neuroplasticity of the brain occurs daily. With this process, you can drive the change, rather than succumb to the passive formation it takes without your control. As you journeyed through life, your brain received mixed signals and became distorted. You got distracted by things you saw on TV, by family members telling you what they think is best for you, and social media creating false perceptions of reality. With all these distractions, you lost yourself. You forgot who you were. You forgot what you liked. Or potentially for some of you, due to trauma or dysfunctional families, you never knew who you were. The pandemic also made these situations far more complicated, and continued to change your brain negatively. It is your responsibility to change it back. It is with this knowledge and commitment that you can improve your burn out, anxiety, depression, and other various mental health adversities, as long as you are committed! 


Ashley understands the complexities of finding and paying for a therapist, and that’s why she wrote the guide, Rewire Your Brain, so that with a one-time fee you can get your life back on track. With discipline, perseverance and tenacity, you can create a healthy brain following this self-directed, scientific framework that is grounded in Psychology and Neurology.


When you become regulated, your lives start falling together. The yo-yo diets you had experienced go away. The insomnia caused by worry can be managed. You learn to control your impulsive behaviors such as twitching, shopping and emotional or physical outbursts. This allows you to live in a world without turning to alcohol, drugs, comfort eating, suppressed appetites, anger, resentment, shame, or guilt, to name a few. You can find peace. And you can reset your brain to its normal biological function. 


When you turn to the healthcare system for mental health support, you are trying to find answers. The reality is a Psychiatrist goes through medical school to become an expert on medications and various strategies like Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). This is how they are educated and told to treat the world. They can make referrals to programs such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT), or emotional regulation courses, but they are not taught the full complexities of the mind, brain, body connection in order to make long-lasting changes. 


By going through this process, you will become self-aware, self-regulated, and emotionally intelligent, which contributes to becoming more flexible, understanding, patient, empathetic and compassionate. It is only by the willingness of connecting to your wise mind, and working through this process in a systematic way, that you can become anything you imagined. You will learn to take back control of your mental health to take back control of your life! 



"There is nothing inherently


wrong with you." 

Dr. Nicole LaPera, author of
"How to Meet Your Self"

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